As an integral support service for the programs and purpose of the Howard County Junior College District, the libraries of the HCJCD are committed:
1. To provide the primary and secondary materials needed to support all aspects of the educational enterprise, including university parallel curricula, occupational education programs, and continuing education/community service programs;
2. To serve as a resource for the cultural, recreational, and intellectual development of their communities;
3. To be responsive to the needs and aspirations of the community they serve.
The libraries shall seek to deliver their services through a variety of delivery systems and shall strive to facilitate maximum access to information as appropriate to user needs.
The libraries of Howard College maintain collections in support of programs provided at each site and according to the needs of students, faculty, and staff at each location. The collecting of relevant and accurate information, along with the deletion of outdated materials, is vital to the teaching and learning needs of the Howard College community. Several actions are needed to ensure appropriate and authoritative materials are available for all information needs of the college. These policies and procedures guide the management of collections.
Selection of Materials
Selection of materials is the responsibility of the library staff at each site. The primary source for determining materials to purchase is faculty input. Input is solicited through an annual survey and through ongoing communication with faculty. An annual collection analysis is conducted to ensure adequate coverage in each educational program. Literature reviews, core subject bibliographies and lists, core reference materials, recommendations from peer librarians, attendance at library conferences, and student input are additional methods for determining appropriate materials and resources to maintain and purchase for the libraries.
Upon verifying the accuracy and availability of requested materials, orders for purchase will be placed with the most appropriate vendors. The libraries will strive to find the most discounted, reliable sources for materials. Upon receipt and once processed, the requestor will be informed the material is available. In the event requested material is unavailable because it is out of print, has not yet been published, or for other reasons, the requestor will be informed about this status. Every effort will be made to ensure material purchases are equitably distributed across all college programs.
Collection formats include books, magazines, newspapers, DVDs, and possibly other materials. The criteria for selection is as follows:
1. Currency
2. Accuracy
3. Coverage depth
4. Reading level
5. Appropriate subject level
6. Relevance
7. Organization of content
8. Style and aesthetics
Each of these criteria should be considered when deciding which materials are appropriate for purchase during the selection process.
Material will be obtained either through the use of a Howard College credit card or through purchase order, whichever is most convenient and appropriate. Records will be maintained to ensure the exact requested material is received, and discrepancies will be resolved directly with the vendors.
The libraries accept donations that fit within the appropriate selection criteria. No appraisals concerning the value of donated items will be made by library staff. Donations must be without stipulations or restrictions to be accepted. The acceptance of donated materials will be made on an individual basis. The libraries reserve the right to dispose of donated materials as appropriate. Donors will be informed of this policy when offering items for donation. Only materials in new or like new condition will be added to the collection.
Weeding (Discarding items)
Periodically, materials may need to be removed from the collection if they are superseded, outdated, or contain inaccurate information. Materials directly involving certain programs will be removed according to schedule from a given program’s professional accrediting standards – for example all Nursing materials with a copyright date older than 5 years will be removed. Other criteria for removal include wear and environmental hazards such as mold, mildew, insect infestation, and acidic content which threaten the preservation of each collection.
Criteria for Removal:
1. Outdated or superseded material
2. Damaged, soiled, worn, or missing pages
3. Mold, mildew, insect infestation, or acidic content
4. Duplicates of low-interest items
5. Materials considered obsolete by faculty or staff 2
6. Unused or unneeded items
Replacements and Duplicates
Replacement of missing, damaged, lost, or stolen materials will be considered on an item by item basis. Items deemed essential or heavily used will be replaced, if possible.
Criteria for replacement:
1. Are duplicate copies available?
2. Is a more recent edition available?
3. Is the material available at another library site?
4. Are other materials covering the same subject more relevant and appropriate for the collection?
5. Is the desired material available?
Duplicate copies will also be considered for purchase when appropriate. Criteria to consider for the purchase of duplicate materials:
1. Circulation statistics indicate the title is in high demand
2. Faculty recommends multiple copies to facilitate the completion of assignments
3. Heavily used reference materials
4. Damaged or worn items requiring replacement
Collection Quality
The collection at each site will be evaluated annually according to the following criteria:
1. Currency of information
2. Variety of formats
3. Circulation statistics
4. Accessibility
5. Total number of volumes
6. Number of volumes per FTE student
7. Extent and depth of coverage in a given subject
8. Comparison of the collection with similar institutions
9. Physical characteristics of the collection (wear, damage)
Each collection will be evaluated annually, primarily through a collection analysis at each site by obtaining data from the library catalog. Physical condition will be assessed by direct observation. Input from students, faculty, and staff through direct feedback and annual surveys will also be considered in evaluating the quality of a given collection. The Library Committee also provides an avenue for feedback concerning collection quality. An analysis of each circulating collection will be conducted each summer. From this data, each subject area in each collection can be evaluated for scope, currency, and popularity through catalog data.
Objection to Library Materials
Persons who object to the presence of any materials in the collections of the Howard College Library Systems are encouraged to discuss their concerns with the appropriate dean/director/manager at the given site where the material is present.
If a resolution cannot be reached, then the complainant may file a formal objection.
1. Only objections from current students, faculty or staff of Howard College will be considered.
2. The complainant must complete and submit a “Material Challenge Complaint Form” to the Dean of Libraries.
3. The Dean of Libraries will gather appropriate material possibly including published reviews and opinions, the item’s history of use, and alternate means of access.
4. The Dean of Libraries will reply within 30 days upon receipt of the form to schedule a meeting to discuss and resolve the issue.
5. If the complainant remains unsatisfied, the Dean of Libraries will send a copy of the complaint form and all accompanying documentation to the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs.
6. The Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs will reply in writing within 30 days of receipt of the form and documentation to schedule a meeting to discuss and resolve the issue.
7. The matter will then be discussed by the complainant and Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs in consultation with the Dean of Libraries for an appropriate resolution.
8. The Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs will reply in writing within 30 days to inform all parties of the decision.
9. The decision of the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs will be final.
a. Incidental personal use of electronic mail, internet access, fax machines, printers, copiers, telephones, and so on, is restricted to college approved users; it does not extend to family members or other acquaintances.
b. Incidental use must not result in direct costs to the college.
c. Incidental use must not interfere with the normal performance of an employee’s work duties.
d. No files or documents may be sen t or received that may cause legal action against, or embarrassment to, the college.
e. Storage of personal email messages, voice messages, files and documents within the college’s Information Technology Department must be minimal and anything deemed to be excessive can be deleted at the discretion of the ISO. Further, it is the responsibility of the individual to have personal data backed up on a privately owned storage device and the college is responsible for any lost personal media or data.
f. All messages, files and documents – including personal messages, files and documents – located on college Information Technology Department equipment are owned by the college, may be subject to open records requests, and may be accessed vin accordance with this policy.
View the complete Howard College Information Technology Resources and Acceptable Use Policies below: