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Interlibrary Loan (ILL)

Learn how to borrow library materials from other libraries
Disclaimer: Libraries may not want to loan out every item in their collection. The lending library decides the due date, generally 3-12 weeks, and determines whether a renewal is allowed or not. Sometimes, recently published books or newer edition textbooks may go unfilled.

What is Interlibrary Loan (ILL)?

Have you found a book or an article you need for your paper or assignment but isn't in the Howard College Libraries collections? That's where Interlibrary Loan (ILL) comes in. Interlibrary loan (ILL) is the sharing of books and articles between libraries worldwide. 

Fill out the Interlibrary Loan form provided in Online Forms with as much information as you can and leave the rest to us. Remember to let us know in plenty of time because some materials may take up to 2 weeks to arrive. Loan requests will be sent to your Howard College Library and we will notify you to come pick them up.

**New** SHAREit - The Texas Statewide Interlibrary Loan Program

The Texas State Library and Archives Commission's statewide interlibrary loan program provides the ability to search the catalogs of 500+ libraries in Texas, giving library users across the state access to materials not available at their local library.

Can't find it at HC/SWCD?

You can check out books and articles from other libraries if we don't have what you're looking for.  There are 2 ways you can do this.

TexShare Card: We issue a card to you so you can check out things from participating libraries in Texas.

Interlibrary Loan: You tell us what you need and we request it for you.

Online Forms

Use these forms to get books and articles from other libraries.  

Interlibrary Loan FAQs

What kind of items can I borrow through Interlibrary Loan?

  • Books & Articles

What kind of items can I NOT BORROW?

  • Items held in Special Collections (rare books, etc.)
  • Reference books, entire journal issues, online only material
  • eBooks

Who is eligible?

  • Currently enrolled students, faculty members, and/or staff members
  • However, if you have overdue materials you may be blocked from borrowing more until all overdue items are returned

Is there a charge?

  • There is no charge for using interlibrary loan
  • However, if you lose an item, you will be charged for its replacement cost, which is determined by the lending library. A replacement fee of $100 and a non-refundable processing fee is typical.
  • You will also be charged for any damage to the item including (but not limited to): highlighter, underlining, pen/pencil marks, removal of pages, etc.

How do I request an item?

  • Complete the Interlibrary Loan Request Form for a book or article located under Online Forms. Provide as much information as possible

How long does it take?

  • Articles usually arrive within 2-5 days as a pdf file
  • Books can take 2-3 weeks

Does the item come to my house or the library?

  • The item will be mailed to the library. Library staff will contact you when it arrives and is available for pickup.

How long can I keep the item?

  • The due date is printed on the book strap. This date is assigned by the lending library and varies depending on the lending library's loan policies.
  • 3-12 weeks is a typical interlibrary loan period
  • Some lending libraries allow renewals, others do not. We will submit a renewal request on your behalf, but there is no guarantee of renewal. If the renewal is denied, please return the material promptly.

How do I return the item?

  • Bring the item back to the campus library where you checked it out and we will return it to the lending library

What if I return it late?

  • We will need to check with the lending library since each library has its own policies.

What is TexShare?

The TexShare Card...Imagine a Library as Big As Texas!

A TexShare Card provides you with borrowing privileges from almost 500 participating libraries across the state.

If you’re a registered patron of a participating library, you may request a TexShare Card from your home library. You must be a patron in good standing and have demonstrated compliance with your library’s existing borrowing policies.

Please check library websites or contact the library by telephone or email prior to visiting in person in order to determine eligibility. See the guidelines below for general information about the program.

Please note: A TexShare Card does not provide access to TexShare Databases or other online resources at libraries you visit. Please use the electronic resources available to you at your home library.

TexShare FAQs

What kind of items can I borrow through TexShare?

  • Books & Articles

How do I request an item?

  • Complete the TexShare Card Application and bring it to the checkout desk along with your ID. Library staff will give you the card.

How long before the card goes into effect?

  • Once you have a TexShare card, you can go to any participating library

How long can I keep the item?

  • The library you are borrowing from will let you know when the due date is

How do I return the item?

  • Return it to the library you borrowed the item from

What if I return it late or lose it?

  • You'll need to ask the library you borrowed from, as libraries have different lending policies

How long does a TexShare card last?

  • It's good for one semester, but there's no limit as to how many times you may apply for a card

Libraries in the Big Spring & Lamesa Area

  • The Howard County Library is open to all visitors.
  • Students will need to obtain a library card to check out items from the library. They will need their student ID or personal ID to obtain a library card.
  • Students can check out books, DVDs, and other library resources once they have a library card. There is a limit of 2 items for the first check out, and a limit of 15 items for every other check out.
  • Books can be checked out for a period of three weeks, and DVDs can be checked out for a period of five days.
  • Students do not need a library card to use computers in the library.
  • Students may use library computers to print pages. Black and white copies are $0.20 per page, and color is $0.25 per page. The library only accepts cash.
  • If a student fails to return an item to the library by the due date, it will result in a fine. Books are $0.10 per day, and DVDs are $1.00 per day.
  • The Murray Fasken Learning Resource Center is open to Midland College and Howard College Students. Howard College students will need to obtain a TexShare card from the Anthony Hunt Library to use the resources in the resource center.  
  • Students are allowed to check out a maximum of five items per visit with a TexShare card.
  • Items may be checked out for a period of two weeks, if students wish to have their item(s) checked out longer, they will need to contact the Murray Fasken Learning Resource Center for renewal.
  • The resource center offers free printing and copying, public computers with Microsoft Office, independent study rooms, and a free coffee/water bar.
  • There are no fines on late items.
  • The Learning Resource Center at Western Texas College is open to Western Texas College and Howard College students. Howard College students will need to obtain a TexShare card from the Anthony Hunt Library to use the resources in the resource center.
  • Students can check out books and DVDs. Books can be checked out for a period of three weeks, and DVDs can be checked out for a period of five days.
  • Howard College students’ resources are limited in the Learning Resource Center at Western Texas College. Students will only have access to books and DVDs.
  • If a student fails to return an item to the library by the due date, it will result in a fine. Books are $0.10 per day, and DVDs are $0.50 per day.
  • The J. Conrad Dunagan Library is open to UTPB and Howard College students. Howard College students must obtain a community card from the J. Conrad Dunagan Library or a TexShare card from the Anthony Hunt Library. Please note that Howard College students have limited access to resources in the J. Conrad Dunagan Library.
  • Howard College students may use the physical space on the first and second floor of the J. Conrad Dunagan Library. Students may use a study room if they wish to for a maximum of two hours. Howard College students will need to present a physical ID to use a study room. It was noted by the library clerk that UTPB students, staff, and faculty have priority over study rooms. If a UTPB student, staff, and/or faculty wish to use the study room, Howard College students may not renew their time for a study room.
  • Howard College students may check out items if they have a community card from the J. Conrad Dunagan Library or a TexShare card from the Anthony Hunt Library. The number of items students may check out per visit varies via membership. The library clerk could not disclose how many items a Howard College student could check out.
  • There are fines for late items. The library clerk could not disclose the price of fines for items.  
  • The Learning Resources Center at Odessa College is open to Odessa College students, the Odessa community, and college students from surrounding areas. Howard College must obtain a TexShare card from the Anthony Hunt Library to use the resources in the resource center.
  • Howard College students may check out items from the general library circulation. Students are allowed to check out a maximum of two items per visit with their TexShare card.
  • Items may be checked out for a period of two weeks. Howard College students are allowed a maximum of three renewals if they wish to renew their items for longer than two weeks.
  • Howard College students may use the independent study rooms in the Learning Resources Center if they wish to. Students may also use the public computers and printers. Black and white printing is free for up to 20 pages. The Learning Resources Center offers free online or in-person tutoring sessions for non-Odessa College students.
  • There are no fines on late items, only for damaged and lost items.
  • The Midland County Library is open to all visitors who wish to use the library’s resources. Howard College students must obtain a Midland County Library card before they can use any of the library’s resources.  
  • Howard College students may check out books, DVDs, video games, audio books, digital resources, and library apps. There is a period that these items may be checked out:
    • Books/Audio Books: 3 weeks
    • Video games/DVDs: 1 week
  • Students are allowed to check out up to 2 items during their first visit, and up to 40 items on every other visit. The list is as follows:
    • 20 fictions
    • 20 non-fictions
    • 5 DVDs
    • 5 Video games
    • 5 Audio books
  • The Midland County Library provides several resources for Howard College students which include Mano Language, Ancestry Library, and other great resources and apps.
  • There are no fines on late items, just damaged and lost items.  
  • The Dawson County Public Library is open to all visitors who wish to use the library’s resources. Howard College students must obtain a library card from the Dawson County Public Library to use their resources. Students will need to bring a physical ID and proof of address.
  • Howard College students may check out books, audio books, and DVDs. Students may check out a maximum of three items during their first visit, and a maximum of 10 items every other visit. Books/Audio books may be checked out for two weeks, and DVDs may be checked out for two days.
  • The Dawson County Library provides public computers and printers for community members and students. Printing is $0.25 per page.
  • If a student fails to return an item by the due date, it will result in a fine. It is $0.10 per day for books/ audio books, and $1.00 per day for DVDs.
  • The Ector County Library is open to all visitors who wish to use the library’s resources. Howard College students must obtain a library card from the library to use their resources. Students will need to bring a physical ID and proof of address.
  • Howard College students may check out books, audio books, and DVDs. Students may check out a maximum of two items during their first visit. Books, Audio books, and DVDs may be checked out for four weeks. There is no limit on the number of books and audio books that a patron can check out, but the limit for DVDs is four.
  • The library provides public computers and printers for community members and students. Printing is $0.25 per page for black and white, and $0.25 per page for color.
  • If a student fails to return an item by the due date, it will result in a fine. It is $0.10 a day not to exceed $15.00 - no fines accrue when the library is closed (on Sundays and holidays).
  • The library provides access to electronic items online via Hoopla and Libby.

Libraries in the San Angelo Area

The following services and resources are available to Howard College students, faculty, and staff:

  • ASU library is open to all visitors who wish to do research. Those that believe they will be checking items out need to obtain a TexShare card from the Howard College Librarian prior to going to ASU. They will also need to present their Howard College student ID and their driver’s license.
  • Dual Credit students CANNOT check items out unless they are 18 years or older.
  • Howard College students, faculty and staff are limited to two items per checkout. Maximum of 1 overdue item before getting blocked from checking out again. ASU also charges $0.25 per day overdue fees. Loan period is 21 days and 2 renewals before items become overdue.
  • Public computers are available on a first come first serve basis. They are not connected to printers so a flash drive is essential to save ones work on.
  • Public copying machines are available. Copies cost $0.10 each.
  • Howard College students, faculty and staff do not have access to materials placed on reserve by ASU faculty.
  • The Tom Green County libraries are open to everyone who wishes to use the facilities and resources.
  • To check out materials users will need a picture ID with their current address otherwise a utility bill with their current address will work.
  • Up to 25 books and 10 books on CD may be checked out for a period of three weeks and may be renewed twice. Up to 4 DVDs may be checked out for a period of 7 days and may be renewed once.
  • Applicants under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian with proper identification and proof of address. Parent/legal guardian is responsible for material checked out on card.

(Above information obtained from the Tom Green County library webpage)

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