Instructor name: La Veeda Newsome
Instructor email:
Use the links below to learn more about issues affecting the 2024 election.
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Use the links below to fact check specific issues or to learn more about fact checking.
Topics on Authority
Topics on Evaluating Sources
This section provides your course instructions and links for the Contextual Analysis assignment. It also provides links to research tools to help with the assignment and a quick video tutorial for using those tools.
Wondering where to begin? Get some initial background information from this page:
While the HC/SWCD library has over 100 databases from which you can choose, these databases are your best bets for this assignment:
(Select "Website" at end of feed for more information.)
(Select "Website" at end of feed for more information.)
(Select "Website" at end of feed for more information.)
(Select "Website" at end of feed for more information.)
(Select "Website" at end of feed for more information.)
(Select "Website" at end of feed for more information.)
(Select "Website" at end of feed for more information.)
(Select "Website" at end of feed for more information.)
(Select "Website" at end of feed for more information.)
(Select "Website" at end of feed for more information.)
Academic research goes beyond a simple Google search. The research process requires you to think critically and seek quality resources. Although research can sometimes be confusing and frustrating, it can also be very rewarding once you become familiar with the tools and methods of successful researching. Remember, your friendly librarians are always available to assist you with any questions you have.
First, make sure you are evaluating your articles for currency, relevance, authority, accuracy, and purpose. Review the graphics and videos here to get started:
The following databases, websites, and ebooks will help you on your journey in this course.
Review this link to learn more about Howard College's Research Tools:
Plagiarism occurs when a writer/speaker uses someone else’s words or ideas without giving them credit. In academic writing, plagiarizing involves using words, ideas, or information from a source without citing it correctly. The following tools will aide you in avoiding plagiarism and properly citing your sources.
Checkout one of these books from the HC libraries.