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Literature (Kelly)

Literature for Dr Kelly

This Literature Research Guide was created to help you find resources on literary topics.  Click on a tab on the left side of this page to access articles in databases; to locate print and electronic books; to see a list of credible websites; to access citation tools and tutorials; and to learn how to obtain assistance from a librarian.

This homepage will provide an overview of your go-to options, but your research options are not limited to these resources, so please review the entire guide.

Gale Series – In Library Use

The library houses an assortment of Gale reference books. To see if we have what you need, search the Gale online index. You can search by author name, title, or create a unique search with selected parameters, such as birth year, death year, or nationality. Take note of the Gale series and volume number listed in your search results and then check to see if we have the series and the volume within that series (see list below). 

Gale series in the library:

  • Contemporary Authors (Volumes 1-189)
  • Contemporary Authors: New Revision Series (Volumes 1-56)
  • Contemporary Literary Criticism (Volumes 1-141)
  • Short Story Criticism (Volumes 1-49)
  • Twentieth-century Literary Criticism (Volumes 1-27)

Salem Press Literature Collection (ebooks)

20th Century English Poetry

Literary Reference Center

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