Concho Valley Regional Food Bank Referral Program & Food Stamp Assistance 325-655-3231
United Way of the Concho Valley 325-949-3716
City of Social Services-General Assistance-WIC & Emergency Services 325-657-4490
Texas Health and Human Services Commission 211
Neighbors Café Lunch Program
803 Rust St. San Angelo
Monday through Friday 12pm – 1pm
Wesley United Methodist Church
Daily Bread Soup Lunch Program
301 W. 18th Street
Monday through Saturday 11am - 12:50pm
Meals for the Elderly
310 E Houston Harte Expy San Angelo
Meal delivery for homebound
Call for program enrollment 325-655-9200
Cross Pointe Fellowship Church
4210 Coliseum Drive, San Angelo
Galilee Missionary Baptist Church
721 W. 19th Street, San Angelo
First Baptist Church
13 E. Harris Street, San Angelo
Immanuel Baptist Church
90 E. 14th Street, San Angelo
First Presbyterian Church
32 N. Irving Street, San Angelo
New Jerusalem Church
1515 N. Chadbourne, San Angelo
First United Methodist Church
37 E. Beauregard Avenue, San Angelo
State Farm Insurance
1820 College Hills Blvd, San Angelo
Betel United Methodist Church
115 W. Avenue O, San Angelo
Bethelem Baptist Church
501 S California 325-277-3852
Bread Pantry Monday 9:15am
Distribution at 604 2nd St., Big Lake
Brentwood Family Fellowship
2121 Lindell Avenue, San Angelo
Coke County Food Pantry
714 Washington St, Robert Lee
Cross Pointe Fellowship Church
4210 Coliseum Drive, San Angelo
Eden Community Pantry
210 Smith St (old youth bldg.), Eden
4th Tuesday of the month 6pm - 7pm
3rd Wednesday of the month 9am - 11am
Edmund Blvd Baptist Church
400 W Murchison, San Angelo
Food Pantry & Clothes Closet
3rd Thursday of the month 3pm – 4pm
First Baptist Church – Brady
1103 W. 17th Street
First Christian Church
29 N. Oakes, San Angelo
First United Methodist Church - Bronte
First United Methodist - Junction
Freedom Fellowship Church
Full Gospel Assembly of God
Galilee Missionary Baptist Church
Grape Creek United Methodist Church
Harris Avenue Baptist Church
Heights Baptist Church
Irion County Food Pantry
Kimble County Meals on Wheels
Lifepoint Baptist Church
Mason County Food Pantry
McCulloch County Resource Center
Menard Community Center
Mustard Seed Food Pantry
Ozona United Methodist Church
Primeria Iglesia Bautista
Project Dignidad
The River Church
Rust Street Ministries
Sierra Vista’s Food Ministry
St. Mark Presbyterian Church
St. Paul Presbyterian Church
Sterling County Senior Citizen Center
Sutton County Food Pantry
Westside Baptist Church
Word of Life Assembly of God
Women of Power
305 W Avenue L, San Angelo
Call for appointment 325-658-8888
Meals For The Elderly
310 E. Houston Harte, San Angelo, TX 76903
Business Hours: Mon – Fri 8am -4pm, Service Area: San Angelo, Grape Creek, Water Valley, Wall, Carlsbad, Christoval, Veribest and Miles, Nutritious meals are delivered to homebound older people Mon – Fri. Donations requested. Diabetic, weekend, and frozen meals are also available.
The Salvation Army
215 Gillis, San Angelo, TX 76903
Business Hours: Mon – Fri 8am-5pm
Service Area: Concho Valley
Food pantry available to people in need, once every 90 days. Individual must meet eligibility requirements. Meals served daily ad 122 W. 2nd at 12pm – 12:40pm. Sack lunches available at 5pm.
Community Development Building, first floor
52 W. College Ave., San Angelo, Texas 76903
Business Hours: Mondays-Thursdays 7 a.m.-noon/1 p.m.-6 p.m., Fridays 8 a.m.-noon
2nd Saturday each month (appointments only)
Nutrition program that helps pregnant women, new mothers, infants and young children eat well. Help with breastfeeding and accessing health care and other needs are also provided to those who qualify.
Health & Human Services Commission
325.655.0567 or Toll Free 1.877.787.8999
622 S. Oaks, San Angelo, TX 76903
HHSC provides benefits that include Medicaid, Food Stamps (SNAP), TANF, & CHIP.
Rust Street Ministries
803 Rust Street, San Angelo, TX 76903
Business Hours: Mon-Thurs 10am – 2pm, Fri 9am – 12pm, Sat 10am – 12pm
Rust Street provides clothing, food, furniture, 12 step classes, anger management, and a community garden.
Project Dignidad
313 W. Ave N, San Angelo, TX 76903
Business Hours: Mon – Fri 9am – 1pm
Service Area: Tom Green County
Monetary help for food and nutrition. Food Pantry. Help with medications up to $50.
Freedom Fellowship Food Pantry
Monday-Thursday 9am-12pm
342 South Chadbourne (in back, go down the alley) ask for Thabiti
Food Stamps Offices San Angelo
SNAP food benefits are available to anyone who:
Wesley Trinity Daily Bread
FREE hot lunch Monday-Saturday 11 am-1pm,
Also have a clothes closet where you can select free clothes, call for more info.
Sacred Heart Cathedral
20 E. Beauregard Ave.
San Angelo, Texas 76903
Mon-Fri 11:30 AM-1:00 PM
Provides a Sack Lunch Ministry to the needy and homeless in the downtown area. Persons needing a sack lunch to help them through the day can come to the school kitchen door in the back parking lot from 11:30 AM to 1 PM Monday through Friday.