Call for a FREE mammogram
Laura W. Bush
Institute for Women's Health
2341 Vanderventer Ave, Ste 122
San Angelo, TX 76909
Shannon Medical Center
120 E Harris, San Angelo, TX 76903
(325) 653-6741
San Angelo Community Medical Center
3501 Knickerbocker Rd., San Angelo, TX 76904
(325) 949-9511
Esperanza Health and Dental
(325) 944-8900
2029 W. Beauregard, San Angelo, TX 76901
Business Hours: Varies
Service Area: All; Provides quality primary and preventative health care to all people, particularly the medically underserved.
Tom Green County Indigent Health Care
(325) 659-6504
113 W. Beauregard, San Angelo, TX 76903
Business Hours: Mon – Thur 9am – 330pm; Fri 9am – 230pm
Service Area: Tom Green County; Health care services for low income, disabled, and elderly persons. Providing medical and pharmaceutical assistance.
Primary Health Care Program of San Angelo
(325) 659-7858 (325) 659-7859 (325) 653-7866
622 S. Oakes, San Angelo, TX 76903
Business Hours: Mon – Fri 8am – 5pm
Service Area: Concho Valley; PHC Program pays health care providers to provide access to primary health care services for those individuals who are unable to access the same care through other funding sources or programs.
Health Dept. Nursing
2030 Pulliam St., Suite 9, San Angelo, Texas 76905
(325) 657-4214
Business Hours: Mon – Fri 8am -430pm; All Immunizations, STD screenings
Laura W Bush Institute of Women’s Health: Access to Breast and Cervical Care for West Texas
(325) 486-6478
5301 Knickerbocker Rd. Ste 200, San Angelo, TX 76904
Business Hours: Mon-Fri 8 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Service Area: Concho Valley; Program that provides free mammogram services and cervical exams to women ages 21-64 that are uninsured or underinsured, and are a resident of the Concho Valley
MHMR Services for the Concho Valley
Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities
(325) 658-7750
1501 W. Beauregard, San Angelo, TX 76901
Business Hours: Mon – Fri 8am-5pm; Intake/Screening – By Appointment or Walk-Ins Welcome
Service Area: Tom Green, Concho, Sterling, Irion, Coke, Crockett, Reagan; Provide services to individuals with a mental illness and/or intellectual & developmental disabilities identified as priority population.
Pregnancy Help Center
2525 Sherwood Way, San Angelo, TX 76901
(325) 944-1515
West Texas Rehabilitation Center
(325) 223-6300
3001 S. Jackson, San Angelo, TX 76904
WTRC provides outpatient speech/physical/occupational rehabilitation services.
Odyssey Hospice
402 N Bryant, San Angelo, TX 76904
Hospice of San Angelo
(325) 658-6524
Toll Free 1.800.499.6524
36 E. Twohig, San Angelo, TX 76903
HoSA provides support groups, among other services.
The Arc of San Angelo
(325) 657-0308
Advocates for children and adults with developmental disabilities; Consultations with parents available on issues such as education plans, accessing services, transition planning, guardianship.
Autism Alliance of the Concho Valley A Program of The Arc of San Angelo
Provides information and referral, specialized equipment grants available to families, and provides sensory-sensitive events for children and their siblings throughout the year.
Guardianship Alliance of the Concho Valley, A Program of The Arc of San Angelo
Provides guardianship services and advocacy for individuals without family members to serve in this role. Certified Guardians are court-appointed.
HHSC STD/HIV/AIDS Testing & Support
Office: (325) 659-7851 Cell: (325) 230-7664
Provides free testing for STIs, including HIV/AIDS.
Vista Care Hospice
(325) 947-0123
Healthcare Continuum Inc.
(325) 223-9393
Comprehensive case management and assessment-determined services for people with disabilities; Community living assistance and support program geared towards individuals with mental retardation or physical handicaps.
Healthy Families
(325) 658-2771
Home-based family support program designed to promote healthy child development and enhance family functioning in overburdened families of newborns.
San Angelo Development Center
(325) 655-3106
Home provides social/supportive services for those diagnosed with mental retardation prior to the age of 18.
Department of Assistive and Rehabilitation Services/Blind Services
(325) 659-7920
622 South Oakes, San Angelo, Texas 76903
Mon-Fri 8:00AM-5:00PM
Work with individuals who are blind or have visual impairment to assist them in reaching their goal.
Department of Assistive and Rehabilitation Services
(325) 659-7420
622 South Oakes, San Angelo, Texas 76903
Mon-Fri 8:00AM-5:00PM, Assists persons with disabilities to prepare for employment through evaluation, training, counseling guidance, examination, medical treatment, halfway house services and job placement compatible with the person’s physical and mental ability.
Department of State Health Services
(325) 659-7850
622 South Oakes, San Angelo, Texas 76903
Mon-Fri 8:00am-5:00pm, Region 9 serves following counties, unless otherwise noted in the description: Kimble, McCulloch, Mason, Menard, Schleicher and Sutton. *Programs also cover Tom Green County.
• Emergency Medical Services: Risk communication, Education, Training* • Children with Special Health Care Needs: Advocacy, Information & Referral, Family Empowerment & Education & Monitoring*
• Texcare Partnership: Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP)* • Primary Health Care: Fees provided for physician services* • Family Health Services in Brady/Sonora Clinics: Adult & child health, advocacy & public awareness, education, family planning services, health risk appraisals & screening, maternal/child health, prenatal care & newborn screening.
Disability Connection
2809 Southwest Blvd, San Angelo, Texas 76904
(325) 227-6624 or 1-877-233-4965
Mon-Thurs 8:00AM-6:30PM
Provides information and assistance to people with disabilities and their families in accessing support systems and promoting changes that enhance full access to the community. Services include: advocacy, peer support, information and referral, independent living skills training, job readiness training, volunteerism, youth transition and clothing for consumers.
Texas Society to Prevent Blindness
(325) 655-8903
515 West Beauregard, San Angelo, Texas 76903
24-Hour call assistance
(325) 234-1534
4601 1st Street, Abilene, TX 79605
LOCAL SERVICES AVAILABLE: Long Term Services and Support Specialist for STAR, STARPLUS, STARKIDS, MBCC, CHIP, and AAPCA Medicaid