"Out of the Cold" is a program administered by the Salvation Army in partnership with the Homeless Planning Coalition. They have a special deal with some hotels who sell empty rooms on nights below 35F to be occupied by homeless folds and keep them out of dangerous weather. During rodeo, most of the hotels are full every night. When the hotels are full and the temp. is expected to drop below 35F, St. Paul will open its gym to people in need. They must first go to the Salvation Army by 4:30 p.m. as happens on every "Out of the Cold" night. They will be given a voucher and told to come to St. Pau by 6:00 p.m. We will open our doors and receive them, providing them with a warm and safe place to sleep. We will not be providing a meal because that adds significant complications. If you would like to know more, please call Tim Davenport-Herbst (the pastor) at 325.653.5691.