San Angelo Veteran Support Organization
The San Angelo Veteran Support Organization is dedicated to supporting and empowering San Angelo Veterans and families. A community of veterans helping other military veterans with Peer-to-Peer support and peer counseling as well as knowledge of local, state and national resources available.
Disabled American Veterans
DAV is a nonprofit that provides a lifetime of support for veterans of all generations and their families, helping more than 1 million veterans in positive, life-changing ways each year. The organization provides rides for veterans attending medical appointments and assists veterans with benefit claims. DAV helps attain new and retroactive benefits to care for veterans, their families and surviving spouses. DAV is also a leader in connecting veterans with meaningful employment, hosting job fairs and providing resources to ensure they have the opportunity to participate in the American Dream their sacrifices have made possible.
Team RWB
Enriching the lives of veterans by connecting them to their community through physical and social activity. Free to join, no cost involved in membership.
Additional Veteran Service Organizations
Veterans County Serv. Off. 325.659.6560 ext 102
CV Women Veterans 325.659.6560 ext 101
Meadows Mental Health 512.922.7728
TVC Veterans Mental Health 512.956.3438
MHMR Veteran Services 325.658.7750
Texas Veterans Comm 325.659.6560 ext 101
San Angelo All Vet Council 325.659.6560 ext 101
San Angelo VFW Post 1815 325.655.6550
San Angelo VFW Auxiliary 325.656.5172
Vietnam Veterans Assn 457 325.617.2570
Fleet Reserve Association 295 325.942.8036
Mil. Order of the Purple Heart 740 325.262.2460
American Legion 572 325.234.9519
American Legion 32 325.656.2801
EC47 Historical Association 325.450.4476
The Heritage Chapter 325.315.3188
Christian Veterans Organization 325.939.9117
Train a Dog, Save a Warrior 325.234.2343
HUD-VASH 432.213.5796
Additional Veteran Service Organizations Continued
AFSC Financial Coach 325.653.2321 ext 1287
ASU Veterans Center 325.486.8387
Kindred Hospice for Veterans 325.481.0123
Oaks of Life Retreat