Galilee Community Development Corporation
Helping Hands and Amy Young Barrier Removal
1404 S. Oakes, San Angelo, TX 76903
Remodel program for disabled residents and light rehab and repair for homeowners over 60.
Habitat for Humanity
401 N Chadbourne St, San Angelo, TX 76903
325.655.7535 Family selection based on ability to show need for adequate and affordable housing, ability to make monthly payments and willingness to partner. (Average monthly payments $350 plus escrow for taxes and insurance)
City of SA Community Development Housing Rehab
622 S. Oakes, Suite G., San Angelo, TX 76903
Business Hours: Mon – Fri 8am – 5pm
Service Area: Concho Valley, Assists low/moderate income homeowners in repairing their homes to meet decent, safe, and sanitary housing conditions.
Concho Valley Community Action Agency Weatherization Program
236 W. Twohig-Basement, San Angelo, TX 76903
Business Hours Mon – Fri 8am-12pm, 1pm-5pm
Service Area: Coke, Coleman, Crockett, Irion, Kimble, McCulloch, Menard, Reagan, Runnels, Schleicher, Sterling, Sutton, and Tom Green, Weatherizes homes to make them more energy efficient in winter and summer. Serves people with disabilities, people who are elderly, and people who are low income.
Helping Hands Combine with Galilee CDC on previous page.
1404 S. Oakes, San Angelo, TX 76903
Business Hours: Mon – Fri 9am – 3pm
Service Area: San Angelo City Limits Only, Repairs homes of persons 60+ or disabled. Must own and live in home with no past due taxes. Never any charge to homeowner. We offer year round services, call for details.