Justice Home
Clarice Eisenbach, Director
Justice Home is Christian-based transitional housing for women. While they primarily focus on assisting inmates and recently released inmates, they will accept those who are not from that background. They have only been in existence for a year. They are housed in a double-wide modular home and currently have 4 women residing there. Each person is managed on a case by case basis and their length of stay is determined on an individual basis. Individuals pay $300 per month. Children are not allowed to reside in the facility with their mothers, but regular visitations take place. They occasionally drug test.
St. Paul Presbyterian Church
Emergency shelter: Has a room for a family to stay in case of emergency
Concho Valley Turning Point, affiliated with Rust Street Ministries
Concho Valley Turning Point is relatively new to the community. They have an 8-unit apartment complex for men looking for Christ-Centered transitional housing. Rent is $100 per week, per occupant. This price includes utilities up to $75 per month. Concho Valley Turning Point is non-denominational, but they are faith based.
Prospective tenants can fill out and return an application for housing to be reviewed by the CVTP housing team. If accepted the tenant is required to follow their transitional program, which involves about 5 hrs a week dedicated to spiritual growth, building new relationships and developing new ways of thinking. Tenants are also required to maintain employment and volunteer for some community service. The focus at CVTP is transitioning back into society as a productive citizen, so rental agreements are for 90 days. If after the 90 day agreement the tenant still needs more time, and has been following the CVTP program, then they will be reviewed to determine if their lease will be renewed for another 90 days. This is a drug and alcohol free community. Any violation of the program guidelines can result in immediate dismissal from the CVTP apartments.
Victory Outreach
1526 South Irving
Provides a temporary bed for transitional living.
Jeremiah Plan
Galilee Community Development Corporation
Three homes for families on the verge of becoming homeless. Homes should be ready for occupancy by the end of 2018. Contact Stephanie Hamby.
Momentous Home
Melissa Morse
Transitional housing for women and women with children. Not probation approved at this time
Adams House
Gloria J.Neumeyer, Director
(325) 450-3151
Adams House is a privately owned establishment and focuses on sober living. There are 7 houses in San Angelo; 6 are male only facilities and 1 is co-ed. Adams House can accommodate up to 57 renters and 7 resident managers (1 per facility). Rent is $400 per month and includes all bills paid, except food. 3 houses are sanctioned by parole and accepts parolees. Renters can stay as long as they want.
Renters are required to submit to drug testing and a breathalyzer. Renters are required to attend one 12-Step meeting per day in the first 90 days and once a week after. They are not faith based. There is an 11 PM curfew unless the renter works in the evening.
They manage their business on rent earned and do not receive government funding.
PaulAnn Baptist Church Transitional Housing for Women
Kirt Dauphin, Lead Pastor
It is an 8 unit apartment complex for women transitioning out of treatment. Potential renters have to fill out an application and participate in a preliminary interview. The Board reviews applicants to determine who is the right candidate to live in the facility.
Women are allowed to bring their children but all applicants are reviewed on a case by case basis and adult children are not permitted. No men are allowed at all. Applicants cannot have a violent or sex offender criminal history.
The ideal renter will only need to reside there from between a year and year and a half. Safety is a top priority and the address of the complex is not publicized, nor is it revealed to the applicant until they are approved to move in.
Renters are required to attend counseling regularly and to become part of their Celebrate Recovery Group. Renters are also required to undergo mandatory drug testing.
The San Angelo Dream Center
1928 Martin Luther King Drive, San Angelo, TX, United States
Housing: Single person housing for men in a drug free, alcohol free setting. Established to lend a helping hand towards efforts to start a new life under the leadership of Christ.
Christ Powered Recovery (CPR)
Need healing from a hurt, hang up or bad habit? This group is dedicated to every fellow struggler who has the courage to face the truth about themselves, the humility to abandon their flawed attempt at living, and the willingness to find God's truth and live according to that purpose. ** Probation and Parole approved recovery group meets Monday 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Fresh Start Ministries
Cecily Miller, Director
Fresh Start is not your typical Women's Transitional House. We offer a long-term, life changing, Biblical-based, Christ-centered, mentoring and discipleship program designed to assist hurting women that are ready for a true-life change. To learn a new way, support and mentoring is the lifeline between success and failure. The women begin their journey in a family setting in one of our homes. They receive the love and support needed and are given the opportunities to begin to redefine themselves based on Biblical principles.
Family Shelter
325.655.5774 or 800.749.8632 24-Hour Hotline
P.O. Box 5018
San Angelo, Texas 76902
Provide services for victims of family and domestic violence.
Oxford House, Inc.
Oxford Houses of San Angelo
(Calls will be returned within 24hrs.)
James Alston, Outreach Worker (West TX Region)
Email: james.alston@oxfordhouse.org
www.oxfordhouse.org www.oxfordvacancies.org
Oxford House, Inc is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization that was founded in 1975. Our primary goal is provision of housing and rehabilitative support for people in recovery from substance use. Oxford Houses are recovery homes for men and women that want to stop drinking and using drugs and stay stopped. The Houses must follow the conditions of their Charter from Oxford House, Inc. The three charter requirements are: The House must be run democratically, be financially self-supporting, and expel members who return drinking and using drugs. There is currently one Oxford House for Men in Tom Green County but more will be added to the network. Please visit our vacancy website to fill out an online application for membership.